The Guardian Princesses is a new book series of racially and culturally diverse princesses who protect the people and the planet.

The African Princess is named Vinnea. She is one of the new princesses of color from the Guardian Princesses. She is intelligent, compassionate and brave. This story aims to teach children about the importance of eating natural and healthy foods. Her story is part of the trilogy that will debut through our Indiegogo campaign. Here is a three minute video which summarizes our project. To learn more about this book, see their page on Indiegogo.


Here is some great artwork from various artist, showing off Princess Tiana's beauty in a new light. 

“By being natural and sincere, one often can create revolutions without having sought them.”  - Nerissa
Photo of model Nerissa Irving.
~  Photo by Will Sterling
Confessions of a Naturalista: My Hair Doesn’t Look Right
By Zaneta Mungai

It’s no secret that I have a love/hate relationship with my hair. Sometimes I think I have the perfect hairstyle and then there are other times when I just don’t like the way that my hair looks. I’m pretty sure that this happens to everyone, but for some reason I think naturals tend to take it to heart more when they don’t achieve a certain look that they are going for. Out of this frustration some people even want to go back to relaxing their hair. But we have to remember that everyone has bad hair days. And if you seem to be having more than usual, perhaps something in your hair care routine needs to be adjusted. Sometimes deep conditioning and trimming your hair can make a world of difference in how your hair looks. Another important thing to remember is that the beauty of our hair is intertwined with its ability to look unique and “wild.” Big messy hair can be your greatest asset. It sets you apart from the crowd and puts your natural beauty on display. So, don’t get too caught up in achieving the perfect look. Perfection is found in loving your hair and giving it the best possible care. Remember to treat your hair well and good hair days will follow.

Author Info:
Zaneta Mungai
Eat. Work. Thrive.
"Hello, good afternoon everyone my name is Wolfgang Lisborg. From Denmark, Europe and I love natural hair. How my hair has come to play is actually pretty funny. When I came to America as a preteen people would always say you have good hair. Now, my aunt is hairstylist and she would always have the barber of the shop cut my hair whenever I got a somewhat fro. Time passed towards high school and now I'm living with my uncle now he said he didnt mind me having hair just as long as I take care of it. Now, this is when I had to figure how to nourish my hair. I tried multiple products in high school from gel to over exaggerated gels. After, 3 big chops in the past 6 years. I've finally found out what keep my hair intact. Eating good, being active, and drinking lots of water. Now, I'm just trying to share my hair experience with everyone and become a natural hair model in the States. Oh yeah, natural or close to natural products are the best for your hair." - Wolfgang

Contacts: Email:, Instagram: WESTILLLIVE, Facebook: Wolfgang Lisborg

Q: What is your hair story?  What kind of hair styles have you rocked, before embracing your natural hair?
A: I use to relax and dye my hair and transitioned from relaxed hair around mid-2009 to about the end of 2010 and stopped using hair dyes in 2011. I did not big chop as I was not brave enough to cut all my hair off. So I would just trim my ends as my hair grew and by the end of 2010, I had my natural curls back. I did not know about protective styles at the time so I did not know I could use twist-outs/braid-outs etc to blend the different textures. So I would either wear my hair out and scrunch products in my hair to try and get an over all “curl” look or tie it back in a bun.

Q: When and why did you decide to start wearing your hair naturally?
A: I stopped relaxing my hair by mid-2009.
I just got sick of the relaxing process, the breakage, and the fact that my hair was thin and brittle. I would end up with strange colored hair due to using two chemicals within one or two months of each other. I was not taking care of my hair while it was relaxed so I am sure the lack of care along with the chemicals was not helping the situation.

Q: Did you have any big fears about going back to your natural texture?
A: I would not say I had fears but I was not sure how to take care of my hair. I had my hair relaxed for so many years that I actually was not sure how/what my hair would be like in its natural state. I did not know how it would look, the type of curls I would have, what I would need to do to get healthy hair that would grow. I was unsure, but also excited.  

Q: What are three products you can't live without for nurturing/styling your hair?
A: Detangling/Co-wash Conditioner, Leave-In Conditioner & Water.

Q: What would you say to someone who's thinking about embracing their natural hair, but scared about being rejected in various parts of their lives?
A: In all honesty… I say live your life and do not give others a second thought. There will always be people who will be negative regardless of if you have natural hair, relaxed hair, dyed hair, flat ironed hair etc. You cannot please everyone and should not please everyone. The only person who has to be happy is YOU. It can be a difficult transition but if that is what you want to do then do it! I also think you need to do research, ask questions, get onto forms, watch YouTube videos etc… just do loads of research. Keep in mind the research is for you to have a general understanding, but what you really need to know is YOUR hair. So after you have done your research you need to then find out what works for you. Apart from knowing your hair I patience is another important point. It will take time till you know what your hair needs, likes and wants but it is not mission impossible just mission patience.

Q: How can we keep up with you?

My name is Thea Reynolds, I'm 23 years old from Virginia Beach, VA. I have started my natural hair journey in October of 2011. I have been through many hairstyles (perms, braids and other styles that included certain sections of my hair to be cut/styled). I started my Natural Hair journey because I was seeing a lot of breakage. I stopped chemically processing my hair for a couple of months and seen that my roots were really curly and it was pretty. So that made me curious as to see how my hair would look and grow if I didn't chemically process my hair. So I did the big chop. I was so nervous and skeptical as to how my hair would grow and look. Now that it is coming up to 2 years of my hair being natural, I will never go back to perms. I have transitioned my lifestyle to be a Naturalist. I have became a role model and an inspiration to other women in my community, and have encouraged women to go natural; including my Mother. I give my own testimonies as far as what products has and has not worked for me. And what products I personally think are good for feeding natural hair. With me being an African American woman mixed with White and Indian, I feel other women can relate to my hair stories with either being mixed themselves or having similar hair like I do.