I wrote about model Chrisandra Wells in 2012.  Here are some photo updates of work she has done since then. She has also had a great time competing in the Miss Plus Caribbean Universe Pageant held in Barbados, also in 2012. To learn more about Chrisandra, go to her Facebook page.   


*Photography credit: Top close up photo by PNB Photography. Second top photo by Nay Marie Photography.

Great art work by David Patterson. To see more, check out his website Davidizm.

Check out these cute looks by MissKenK and Mee Mahrii.  The first look was achieved using a rod set, and the second look was done using a finger curl method. Video tutorials below.


Kera Vada is a new all natural hair and body product line that . Here is more about their company - "No Mineral oil, Paraben Free and Junk Free. Hair growth without a heavy greasy feel; and most of all - no stinky Ayurvedic smell. Our products actually are tailored just for you! Most companies use mineral oils which cheapen the product or use inexpensive cheap carrier oils. But we always use "The Best": Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and Organic Extra Virgin Grape Seed Oil.  You will put it on your scalp, and it absorbs in your body.With Kera Vada we care because we use our products too!"  Here are a few products that are available at the Kera Vada store:

Hair Butter Souffle - has all natural Ayurvedic Herbs infused into the butter to make a creamy, decadent hair souffle. Use this to replace your pomade.

Vitamin & Oil Conditioner - most companies use mineral oils which dilute the product or use inexpensive cheap carrier oils. They double infuse their oils for higher concentrations of product per oz. So concentrated you can add 1 to 2 oz to your shampoo or conditioner and make your 3.00 conditioner into a 40.00 conditioner.

Dead Sea Ayurvedic Face Mask - includes Dead Sea Mud, minerals and Ayuvedic Herbs. No chemicals or messy powders. Use to help clear up your complexion.

To learn more about Kera Vada, you can also check them out on Facebook.
African American women sometimes have problems with their hair breaking, slow growth, and split ends. By adding some essential foods to your daily diet, you can prevent your fragile hair from these annoying problems. According to Seymour M. Weaver, a Houston-based dermatologist, “There's an epidemic of hair loss taking place among African-American women. It is partly because of damaging grooming techniques and styles that pull the hair back. Changing your hair care routine can promote growth---and so can the food you eat.

Vitamin B Enriched Foods
According to Seymour,” B vitamins---along with amino acids---are the building blocks for protein, so they are critical if you want to grow strong, healthy hair. Vitamin B also plays a role in producing red blood cells, which transport oxygen and nutrients to your scalp and follicles. If you suffer from vitamin B deficiency, Bauer points out that your hair is likely to shed, grow slowly and break. Eat foods such as whole-grain cereals, garbanzo beans, bananas, soy milk, oatmeal and beets, to get your daily vitamin B fix.”

Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Eating foods that are rich in omega – 3 fatty acids can help prevent the loss of hair and help it to grow. A traditional Western style diet often tips the balance towards foods rich in omega-6 fatty acids. When in fact your hair actually needs the foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids not in omega- 6 fatty acids. You can design a healthier diet by eating fatty fish like as sardines, salmon, mackerel, and herring three times a week. In addition, to adding flaxseeds to your breakfast cereals or salads at lunch and dinner will help a lot in making sure you are getting enough omega – 3 fatty acids in your diet.

According to public health experts, iron is the leader of nutritional deficiencies in the US. When the body is low in iron, the blood vessels cannot transport the oxygen to the tissue and cells, including the tissue and cells that the scalp needs to maintain the hair follicles. Iron is necessary for the cells to grow. Many women have low iron levels or iron deficiencies caused by the menstrual cycle.
To increase your iron intake you can take iron supplements (always consult your doctor before taking any supplements) or if you prefer add more iron to your daily diet. Foods that are high in iron include iron-fortified foods, lean beef, beets, poultry, beans, lentils, and lamb.

Protein is also beneficial for health hair. Eating 3 ounces of lean protein twice a day in addition to other foods high in protein can do wonders for your hair health. If beef is not part of your diet, you can eat food such as legumes, beans, peanut butter, low-fat dairy, and seafood. 
If you incorporate all of the suggestions above you will have strong, beautiful hair again in no time!

Articles Author - Tammy Mahan has worked in the healthcare field for over 20 years. She often shares her knowledge on Healthline.Com
Q: What is your hair story?  What kind of hair styles have you rocked, before embracing your natural hair?
A: For the majority of my teenage years I used to texture my hair which would loosen my curl pattern without making it dead straight however my hair started to form a straight, kinky, straight, kinky pattern so I decided to grow out my natural hair. However I still used to straighten my hair a lot ! almost everyday which in hindsight was probably why it never grew for years..... The most daring thing I've done is shave the side of my hair off a couple of years ago but decided to grow it back when I went natural .

Q: When and why did you decide to start wearing your hair naturally?
A: I decided to go natural April 2012 so its been about a year and a half now, my hair was dry lifeless, color damaged and the curl pattern was completely ruined. In my eyes it was officially time to accept a part of me that I had been denying all my life. My hair.

Q: Did you have any big fears about going back to your natural texture?
A: I was very self conscious about the size and length of my hair because it is extremely thick but I now love it
and I honestly think the bigger the better .

Q: What are three products you can't live without for nurturing/styling your hair?

A: The first is Eco styler gel the Argan oil one is seriously the best product in the world. I take it everywhere with me just in-case  because my hair is so thick I can get a lot of frizz which i don't mind but I like my curls to be somewhat defined as well. Secondly another product I love is Shea moisture restorative conditioner which I use after cleansing my hair and it moisturizes it really well. Lastly I'd have to choose olive oil because it makes my hair really soft!

Q: What would you say to someone who's thinking about embracing their natural hair, but scared about being rejected in various parts of their lives?
A: I would say DO IT! Learning to accept yourself  fully is such an important part of self development,  we have to let go of the fear that holds us back from being ourselves and embrace who we are. Going natural is one of the best things I've done in terms of boosting my confidence and banishing insecurities. 

Q: How can we keep up with you and your journey?
A:  I've recently entered the world of bloging and youtube. I've started a hair and style channel ...
Youtube: amymaxine and Blog: amymaxine.blogspot.comTwitter: @AmyMaxineM. I also have a health and positivity channel and blog - Youtube: thehealthchakra  and Blog: thehealthchakra.blogspot.com.
Gorgeous hair style from Whitney, aka Naptural 85.

Tune in to win 1 FREE bottle of Hairfinity Hair Vitamins on Saturday, September 14, 2013 during the Hairfinity presents Let Your Hair Down Expo!  20 will will, so stay tuned during the seminar where hair expert Felicia Leatherwood will tell you what #hashtag to post on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook and you're entered in for a chance to win!  #hairfinity #lyhdexpo #hairfinitytuneintowin

9/14/2013 1:30pm-2:30pm EST, learn more about healthy hair and nourishing your hair from the inside out!

9/14/2013 3:30pm-4:30pm EST, get more healthy hair tips, quick natural styles, and demonstrations!

Drawings are random. Winners will be announced on Monday, September 16, 2013!  Official Rules http://hairfinity.com/tune-in-to-win.htm

Sisterloc's, TWA (teeny weeny Afro), braids, curls loc's, dreads and more...  
Dolls can be found at Natural Girls United!

Thank you everyone that entered the Makeup Giveaway contest.  There where so many great entries that it was hard to choose just two winners. So I choose three!

The first two winners that will win the giveaway package 1 & 2 is Alex and Beauti_Renee!!! Whom ever emails me first, can choose what makeup package they want. The second person that contacts me will get the remaining package left. The third winner is Johnetta! You have won Revlon's blackened brown lengthening mascara and some nail art stickers (white, colorful or black nail art stickers). Please email me at naturalhairbeauty@gmail.com, to claim your prize.

Thank you to everyone that entered the contest. Stay tuned for more giveaways on the Naturally Beautiful Hair Blog.