Bead For Life

BeadforLife is a great organization that helps women in Uganda, by teaching them life skills that will help them to get jobs. In order to help the women in Uganda, BeadforLife sells Shea Butter Soap, Peppermint Lip Balm and more. 

"BeadforLife, a non-profit organization, was founded by three American women to help the women of Uganda learn skills that would allow them to earn livable wages. BeadforLife began by teaching women to make beautiful beaded jewelry out of recycled paper. They launched a second income-generating project in northern Uganda in 2010, creating a livelihood for the extremely poor women who farm and gather Shea nuts. BeadforLife makes the Shea nuts into Shea butter products, including creams, soaps and lip balms.  The sales of these products have the potential to empower tens of thousands of women.  Currently, BeadforLife is working with 740 women, most of whom are farmers, to educate them about how to improve the quality of their farms and bring their agricultural goods to market." - BeadsforLife

If you would like to help this organization, you can purchase the items shown here at their online store, or you can volunteer to host a BeadParty. They will send you the beads, you host a party where you sell the jewelry, and the funds are returned to BeadforLife to benefit the women in Uganda. For more information about BeadParty's, go their their Q & A page.

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