Meet Safia from French Guiana!


Where are you from: My name is Safia and I come from FRENCH GUIANA. If I can say a few words about F.G, it's that when you arrive there you are amazed by its lush Amazonian rainforest that gives the extraordinary view of a green ocean from the plane. The specifity of F.G is certainly the ethnical and linguistic diversity. We have Amerindians, Haitians, Dominicans, Brasilians, Indians, Europeans, Chinese and descendants of African slaves. All of them lives together harmoniously, there is no ethnic stratification like I have noticed in some other countries.

Tell us about your Natural Hair: Now regarding my hairstyle, thanks to my mother, I am deeply tied to my african roots so I decided early that I would have a magnificent mane of natural hair. I started my locs only 6 years ago though. Today, I am proud to be one of the many examples showing that locs can be clean and stylish. I have a successful and blossoming life, locs never prevented me from all of my accomplishments. I think that it is the struggle of our generation to revolutionize the vision of locs and break the erroneous prejudices that this hairstyle suffered. Personally, through modelling, I am participating in valuating natural black hairstyles."

"By the way, I congratulate the excellent initiative of your site, Karen. It shows fabulous [doll] models with natural hair crowns, who reinforce black pride. You can be sure that as soon as I have a daughter I will buy each single doll that you make!

Your advice to others: My message to the readers is - we can be feminine, modern, brilliant, attractive, stylish, sexy, trendy, creative, successful, and all of that with natural hair!!! Plates, braids, afro, locs, short... whatever the way u comb it, thank you to all the proud women who have a natural hair crown, and doing so, participate in the upliftment of black beauty!
For the readers who want more information about my hair regimen, they can find me on my facebook page:  where i share positive energy, spiritual thoughts, and natural hair pride, or on my facebook profile."

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