Intelligent Beauty Labs, Reveal & More!


I have been trying out some great skin care products from Hair Envy offers both hair, beauty and skin products.

Out of all the products that I tried, my absolute favorite is the Reveal High Potency Anti-Wrinkle Serum!! I have always had problems with unbalanced skin, and have tried many products to help. After using the Reveal High Potency Anti-Wrinkle Serum for a couple of weeks, there was a noticeable change. The dark spots started to fade and my skin looked a lot more even and brighter.  *Now... (lol), I don't recommend using it every morning and every night all week long. I used it every morning and every night for about 3 weeks, any my skin is super dry. Which is expected, because it is getting rid of layers of dead skin. So that was my fault. So I would advise that you use it once a day or use it on the spots you want to correct only. And if you feel any dryness - do what I am doing, with is taking a short break, and try again later. I saw a great difference in my skins complexion and am looking forward to continuing to use the Reveal Serum.  To learn more, go to

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